Would you opt for Vaping during the tenure of pregnancy?

Is vaping safe during pregnancy? Till date this has been a topic of research with its fair share of ups and downs. One thing is for sure nicotine is known to narrow down the blood vessels that stop the supply of oxygen along with essential nutrients for the human body. This is the same case with e cigars as well because it is also not devoid of harmful chemicals. You need to keep away from second hand smoking as it goes on to pose risk for both the mother along with the baby.

There is no force in the world that can go on to stop you. But the golden rule that is suggested that you stay away from smoking and Vaping during the tenure of pregnancy. At the same time vaping when pregnant could go on to pose serious problems. The chances of preterm delivery, babies who are born with cognitive difficulties and the little ones face difficulty in breathing as well.  If you keep on vaping after pregnancy it could lead to harmful effects on your baby as well. You cannot stay away from vaping addiction as well.

In the midst of all this pregnancy does happen to be one the extra ordinary events in the life of an individual. But pregnancy is accompanied by a host of physical changes along with social changes that the mothers are expected to come up with. If you are asked not to smoke or drink it could be too much demanding for a would be mother. An occasional glass of wine is not going to harm you. But at the same time you need to incorporate necessary changes in your lifestyle so that both the mother along with the baby is ok during this phase.

In recent times Vaping has gone on to become a major social habit and it is a platform where you can connect with each other. But it does go on to pose a major health concern all over the world. This is all the more so with would be mothers as it could have an impact on the mother as well as the baby.

You need to view the fact that Vaping in a public platform can go on to harm any individual. Even the second hand exposure to chemicals and this is the case with second hand smoking is dangerous for the baby inside the womb. It does go on to increase the breathing problems along with various types of health risks in the little ones. When it is the case of kid’s vaping can lead to an addiction of the same.

To conclude, vamping is a popular form which has still not been researched in details. Various organizations have really understood the implications of it. For this reason they are arguing the government in order to formulate guidelines that goes on to reduce the impact of second hand smoking. To quit smoking is hard, but it is going to have a negative impact on the baby.

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