How to combat the issue of high blood pressure when you are pregnant

In 2 out of 20 mothers are known to face the situation of high blood pressure during pregnancy. During the second tenure of pregnancy, fluid retention is also common which could lead to a medical condition referred to as preeclampsia.  Pretty much like medicine HIV in pregnancy you can combat blood pressure medication during pregnancy. This can be done in an easy manner. It is really important to follow the guidelines as prescribed by the doctor.

As far as high blood pressure is concerned it would mean more than 140/90 mg. if you continue to stretch beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy it could poses serious problems for both the mother as well as the baby. If you analyse some of the symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy it can be as follows

  • When you are obese or overweight at the time frame of conception
  • If it happens to be your first pregnancy or it could be an assisted form of pregnancy as well.
  • If you are leading a sedentary lifestyle where there is no form of exercise.
  • When your maternal age is above 40 years at the time of pregnancy.

If you have a condition of high blood pressure that is pre-existing before the tenure of pregnancy the chances of hypertension does increase. Now the question you need to figure out on how you can control high blood pressure during the period of pregnancy. Let us now understand some of the tips to combat hypertension at bay

  • You need to maintain a healthy weight- the moment your pregnancy starts at a healthy weight. It does reduce the chances of developing considerable amount of blood pressure. It is on expected lines that you are going to gain some weight during the tenure of pregnancy. It is expected that you check with your doctor the exact height, weight gain along with a healthy diet during the period of pregnancy.

  • Having some form of exercise- The need of the hour would be to engage in some form of light exercises like walking or running. For sure this would go on to reduce the chances of hypertension during the phase of pregnancy.

  • Prenatal visits-there is a definite logic as far as prenatal visits are concerned. You would need to keep it up to date. Make it a point that you should never miss them.

  • Stay away from alcohol and smoking- you might come across the fact that some moderate amount of alcohol would be ok. But the need of the hour would be to throw away these habits at a complete go.

  • Reduce the intake of salt- it has been observed that excess intake of salt could make your blood sugar levels fluctuate. You would need to limit the consumption of salt to around 1500 mg, but at the same time consumption of around 2400 mg is also rated to be fine as well. At the same time make it a point to check the processed foods you are consuming.

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